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Vika studied journalism and mass communication at Hksyu University. Following the completion of her studies, she began experimenting with paper collage and quickly developed a passion for the medium. Her unique and innovative approach to paper collage has gained recognition in the commercial art world, and her works have been used in various commercial projects.
Vika's paper art has been widely used in commercial stop-motion videos, collaborating with many well-known companies such as Hong Kong Disneyland, UOB, and RTHK. Her artwork in these videos comes alive through the use of stop-motion animation techniques, creating a mesmerizing and captivating effect that catches the viewer's eye. The intricate details and textures of her paper collage art are brought to life through the animation process, resulting in a truly unique and stunning visual experience.
If you are seeking something new and exciting for your next project or idea, Vika is available for collaboration. Her expertise and creativity in paper collage art can bring a unique and captivating element to any project, and she welcomes the opportunity to work with others to create something truly special.

2022 HKICS DIGI ART 動畫蒙太奇 Animontage
2021 荃灣青年協會 「鄰舍第一」天橋展覽
2020 'Miles to go' The Art Pavilion London
For any collaboration/commercial, feel free to reach me out!
Thank you.
All images/video Ⓒ Vika Stop Motion Studio

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